Sunday, 16 July 2017


Hey, hi, hello!

 My name is Katie Whelan and welcome to my little blog. I'm using this blog to document my personal projects that I create outside of college because let's be real, you gotta be organised to get shit done. Sorry for the language. Are you allowed curse on here? Oh well! As the kids say, YOLO and all that jazz. Anyway I'm using this platform to communicate with future Katie and everyone knows communication is super important in any project. Even if you're working alone.
Right now it's the middle of summer and my goal is to create as much content that's at a professional standard before I go back to college. I have the month of August to create these projects because right now I'm stuck in the magical land called retail. The next two weeks will be spent organising schedules and milestones for each project. I decided that the deadline is the 6th of September because college starts around then and it's one of my lucky numbers. So no pressure future Katie and good luck!
Also while y'all are here, check out my Youtube channel. The progress will be shown on this blog and the final videos will be uploaded to Youtube!

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